यदि आप C++ Programming Language का प्रयोग करते हुए OOPS आधारित Object Oriented Programming सीखना चाहते हैं, तो ये पुस्तक आपके लिए काफी उपयोगी साबित हो सकती है, क्योंकि इस पुस्तक में न केवल C++ Programming Language से सम्बंधित विभिन्न Programming Concepts को विभिन्न प्रकार के Simple Examples द्वारा काफी विस्तार से व काफी सरल भाषा में समझाया है, बल्कि साथ ही विभिन्न Object Oriented Programming Concepts को किस तरह से उपयोग में लेते हुए किस तरह की जरूरतों को पूरा किया जाता है, इस विषय में भी काफी विस्तार से Discuss किया गया है। इस पुस्तक में Include किए गए C++ व OOPS से सम्बंधित विभिन्न Contents निम्नानुसार हैं:
Index of Contents
OOPS and C++
The Object-Oriented Approach
Features of Object-Oriented Languages
Data Hiding, Data Abstraction and Encapsulation
Creating New Data Types
Polymorphism and Overloading
Dynamic Binding
Message Passing
Benefits Of OOPS
Object Oriented Languages
Object-Based Programming Language
Object-Oriented Programming Language
OOPS with C++
Class and Objects
Basic C++ Data Types
Assignment Operator ( = )
Escape Sequences
Unsigned Integers
Floating Point
Type Conversion ( Type Casting )
Abstract Data Types
Arrays and Strings
Array Fundamentals
Defining an Array
Multidimensional Arrays
Arrays as Instance Data
Employee Class
The Enter Key
Postfix and Prefix Increment Operators
The Stack Class
Pushing and Popping
An Array Disguised as a Stack
Arrays of Objects
Array of Time Objects
String Variables
String Constants
Using const Variables
String Library Functions
Copying String (strcpy() Function)
Appending Strings (strcat() Function)
Comparing Strings (strcmp() Function)
Self-Made String Class
Arrays of Strings
The weekday Class
Function Calls
Function Definitions
Function Declarations
Standalone Member Functions
Inline Functions
Specifying an Inline Function
Member Functions Defined Within a Class
Member Functions Defined Outside a Class
Revised weekdays Program
Overloaded Functions
Default Arguments
Declarations and Definitions
Lifetime and Visibility
Automatic Variables
Register Variables
External Variables
Local Static Variables
Visibility of Instance Data
Lifetime of Instance Data
Creating Static Data
Accessing Static Data
Static Functions
Reference Arguments
Swapping Integers
Passing by Value
Passing by Reference
Returning by Reference
Constructor Arguments
No-Argument Constructor
The One-Argument Constructor
Initialize Array Size
Initializing a Member Array Elements
Copy Constructors
The Default Copy Constructor
const for Function Arguments
const Objects
const Function
Operator Overloading
The operator X() Function
Relational Operators
Assignment Operators
Overloading Unary Operators
Prefix Version of Operator ++
Postfix Version of Operator ++
The Unary Minus Operator
Conversion from Objects to Basic Types
Type Casting: Conversion for Basic Types
Conversions Between Classes
Overloading the Assignment Operator (=)
Overloading [ ] Operator
Constant Overloaded Operators
*this Object
Inheritance and Program Design
Composition: A “Has a” Relationship
Inheritance: A “Kind of” Relationship
Class Hierarchy
The Base Class Constructor
The protected Access Specifier
Constructors and Inheritance
The Great Chain of Constructors
No Argument Inheritance Constructor
Arguments Inheritance Constructor
Adding Functionality to the Derived Class Constructor
Access Specifier
Public Inheritance
Private Inheritance
Protected Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Addresses and Pointers
Pointers to Objects
Pointer to void
Pointers and Arrays
Pointers and Functions
Pointers and Strings
Membership Access Operator (->)
new Operator
Delete Operator
Creating Objects with new
this and const
Pointers and the const Modifier
Linked List Class
Virtual Functions and Friend Functions
Normal Member Functions Accessed with Pointers
Virtual Member Functions Accessed with Pointers
Late Binding
Arrays of Pointers to Objects
Passing Reference
Passing Pointers
Abstract Classes
Pure Virtual Functions
Abstract Classes and Pure Virtual Functions
Pure Virtual Functions with Bodies
Virtual Destructors
Friend Functions
Friend Classes
Interclass Communication
Pointers in Interclass Communication
Nested Classes
Communication between Nested Classes
Exception Handling
Throwing Multiple Exceptions
Specifying Data in an Exception Class
Initializing an Exception Object
Extracting Data from the Exception Object
Exception and Function Nesting
Streams and Files
Stream Classes
Stream Class Hierarchy
ios Class
Formatting Flags
Istream Class
The ostream Class
The iostream and the _withassign Classes
Predefined Stream Objects
Stream Errors
Error-Status Bits
Inputting Numbers
Too Many Characters
No-Input Input
Inputting Strings and Characters
Error-Free Distances
All-Character Input
Disk File I/O with Streams
Formatted File I/O
Writing Data
Reading Data
Strings with Embedded Blanks
Detecting End-of-File
Character I/O
Direct Access to the streambuf Object
Binary I/O
Object I/O
Writing an Object to Disk
Reading an Object from Disk
Compatible Data Structures
I/O with Multiple Objects
The fstream Class
The Mode Bits
Error Handling in File I/O
Reaction to Errors
Analyzing Errors
File Pointers
Specifying the Position
Specifying the Offset
The tellg() Function
File I/O Using Member Functions
Object That Read and Write Themselves
Classes That Read and Write Themselves
Static Functions
Size Of Derived Objects
Using the typeid( ) Function
Interaction with empl_io
Overloading the << and >> Operators
Overloading for cout and cin
Overloading for Files
Overloading for Binary I/O
Memory as a Stream Object
Fixed Buffer Size
The ostrstream Object
Input Memory Streams
File Pointers
Dynamic Buffer Size
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