Paid Tech Support

हालांकि WordPress अपने आपमें काफी सरल Software है लेकिन यदि आपका अपना WordPress Platform पर आधारित Blog या Website है, तो निश्चित रूप से आपको समय-समय पर निम्नानुसार किसी न किसी तरह के Errors को Face करना ही पडता होगा-

Website का बार-बार DOWN होना,
400 – Bad Request Error,
404 – Page Not Found Error,
500 – Internal Server Error,
503 – Service Unavailable Error,
508 – Resource Limit Reached Error,
522 – Connection Timed Out Error,
Error Establishing a Database Connection,
Memory Exhausted Error,
Maximum Execution Time Exceeded,
Locked WordPress Admin Login Error, आदि…

यदि आप Technical Background से नहीं हैं, तो WordPress या Web Hosting से सम्‍बंधित किसी भी तरह की Error आने पर उसे Resolve करना, आपके लिए काफी मानसिक अशान्ति पैदा करने वाला काम होता है और हम आपको इसी मानसिक अशान्ति से छुटकारा दिलवाते हैं जिसके बदले में काफी मामूली सा Amount Charge करते हैं, जो कि आपके Website की समस्‍या पर आधारित होता है।

यानी छोटी समस्‍या का छोटा Charge और बड़ी समस्‍या का बड़ा Charge, लेकिन फिर भी Minimum Charge के रूप में आपको INR 500/- Pay करना जरूरी होता है। यानी आपकी समस्‍या चाहे जैसी भी हो, अगर हम उसे Resolve करेंगे, तो आपको Minimum INR 500/- Pay करना ही होगा फिर चाहे आपकी समस्‍या 10 मिनट मे ही Solve क्‍योंं हो जाए।

उदाहरण के लिए मान लीजिए कि आपके WordPress Admin Panel का Password Lock हो गया है जिसे आप फिर से Reset करना चाहते हैं, तो आपकी इस समस्‍या का समाधान मात्र 500/- रूपए में हो जाएगा क्‍योंकि इस Problem को Solve करने में हमें 1 घण्‍टे से ज्‍यादा का समय नहीं लगेगा।

जबकि यदि आपकी साईट Blogger या जैसे किसी Free Host पर है और आप उसे WordPress आधारित Paid Hosting पर Shift करना चाहते हैं, तो उस स्थिति में पूरा Migration Process एक Time Consuming काम होता है, जिसमें केवल Site को Blogger से WordPress पर Migrate कर देना मात्र ही काफी नहीं होता, बल्कि आपके पूरे Blog को एक Paid Hosting पर Shift करना पड़ता है और आपकी जरूरत के अनुसार उसे शुरू से अन्‍त तक फिर से Setup करना पडता है। साथ ही कम से कम 1 महीना या उससे ज्‍यादा समय तक इस बात के लिए Monitor करना पडता है कि आपका Migrated Blog ठीक तरह से काम कर रहा है या नहीं।

इसलिए आपकी पूरी Blogger Site को Live रखते हुए उसका Successful Migration करने के लिए हम मात्र 5000/- रूपए चार्ज करते हैं, जिसके बदले में हम पूरे 1 महीने तक आपकी Migrated Site में होने वाली विभिन्‍न प्रकार की Problems को Solve करते हैं और आपकी जरूरत व इच्‍छा के अनुसार आपकी Website का Look, Feel and Layout Setup करते हैं। यानी आपकी Migrated Site को वैसा बनाते हैं, जैसा आप चाहते हैं और तब तक आपकी Help करते हैं, जब तक कि आप अपनी Newly Migrated Site व Platform से पूरी तरह से Familiar नहीं हो जाते।

इसके अलावा यदि आपको लगता है कि आप अपनी WordPress पर Migrated Site को स्‍वयं अपने स्‍तर पर Manage करने में सक्षम नहीं हैं, तो मात्र 3000/- रूपए प्रतिमाह के मामूली से Monthly Charge पर हमारा 24/7 Tech Support प्राप्‍त कर सकते हैं, जिसके अन्‍तर्गत हम यथा सम्‍भव आपकी Website से सम्‍बंधित किसी भी प्रकार की समस्‍या का समाधान उपलब्‍ध करवाते हैं ताकि आप अपना पूरा ध्‍यान अपनी Website के Content Develop करने पर दे सकें न कि उसकी Technical Problems को Solve करने पर।

जबकि यदि आप हमारे Tech Support से सन्‍तुष्‍ट न हों, अथवा यदि आपको लगे कि अब आपको हमारे Tech-Support की जरूरत नहीं है, तो आप जब चाहें, तब हमारी Tech Support Service छोड़ सकते हैं और पूर्ण सं‍तुष्टि न होने की स्थिति में अपना Paid Amount फिर से Refund के रूप में प्राप्‍त कर सकते हैं।

Terms & Conditions for Paid Tech Support

  1. आपको हमारे Recommendations मानने जरूरी होंगे, ताकि आप अपने Site/Blog पर आने वाली समस्‍या से छुटकारा पा सकें। उदाहरण के लिए यदि आपके Current Hosting Plan के कारण आपको किसी Problem को Face करना पड़ रहा है, तो आपको हमारे द्वारा Suggested Web Hosting Plan पर Move करना होगा और यदि आप हमारे Recommendation को Follow नहीं करते , तो उस स्थिति में आपकी समस्‍या का समाधान करना सम्‍भव नहीं होगा और आप द्वारा Pay किया गया Minimum Amount आपको Refund नहीं किया जाएगा।
  2. किसी भी स्थिति में Team Viewer या Remote Desktop Access जैसी तकनीकों का प्रयोग करते हुए Live Technical Support Provide नहीं किया जाएगा। बल्कि Tech-Support हेतु आपको अपने WHM/cPanelWebsite/Blog के Admin Credentials (Username/Password) हमारे साथ Share करने होंगे, जिनके बिना हम आपके Website/Blog को Access नहीं कर सकते। कई बार हमे आपके GMail Account के Credentials की भी जरुरत पड़ जाती है। अत: तभी सम्‍पर्क करें, जब आप अपने सभी तरह के Credentials हमारे साथ Share करने के लिए मानसिक रूप से पूरी तरह से तैयार हों।
  3. Tech-Support हेतु नीचे दिए गए Comment Box का प्रयोग करते हुए अपना Name, अपने Site/Blog का और Site/Blog में होने वाली Problem की Detailed जानकारी दीजिए तथा हमारे Reply Email का Wait कीजिए अथवा 97994-55505 (Kuldeep Misrha) पर Call कीजिए।

Sites Handled Recently or Maintained Continually ( 1,00,000+ Pageviews/day )

Helped to migrate from BlueHost to HawkHost because BlueHost was not able to handle this site for it’s HIGH TRAFFIC. BlueHost was not able to set appropriate configurations so that it could run smoothly without any hassle. You can check the Speed and Performance of this site. After migration, it’s traffic have been increased around 20% within 6 month and SPEED & PERFORMANCE is one of the most important factor that would have played a Good Role to achieve this mile stone. You can read the whole ISSUE and SOLUTION at AchhiKhabar’s This Post. ( 1,50,000+ Pageviews/day )

Helped to setup VPS of HawkHost because a lot of Surge Traffic. This site gets around 1 to 2 Lac pageviews daily and sometimes the site gets around 6 Lac+ pageviews, so the site was being hanged due to bad configuration and low resources. The owner was recommended to move on DEDICATED SERVER but when I configured this site, it’s running normally on HawkHost VPS. ( 80,000+ Pageviews/day )

I migrated this site from Blogger to Self Hosted WordPress at HawkHostAlthough it’s too a High Traffic site but it’s running fine on PRIMARY HOSTING Plan of HawkHost. After setting the Best Performing Configurations, the SPEED and PERFORMANCE of this site is as good as

I helped this site to migrate on HawkHost PRIMARY Plan from it’s OLD GODADDY PLAN, where the GoDaddy just deleted the whole BLOG due to being late in HOSTING RENEWAL. I installed and settled up WordPress for this Blog in RESTORED this site with the .SQL Backup File.

Due to too many Configuration and Miss-Settings Issues, site just giving 404 Error for so many pages. Plus it was facing so many issues related to SPEED & PERFORMANCE and Look, Feel and Layout. I worked on it to resolve all issues. Now the site is running smoothly with loading most of the posts within 1 second.

After moving on Self Hosted WordPress Blog from, site was having too many issues related to Look, Feel & Layout and SEO Related Issues. I Helped this site to setup it’s Look, Feel and Layout using Genesis Framework which is the Best WordPress Framework in developers point of view to setup a site for long term.

Similar to, this site was also having too many issues related to Look, Feel & Layout and SEO Related Issues. 

This site has been helped by me for setting up Look, Feel & Layout, for increasing AdSense Revenues, for SEO and mostly for various kinds of Hosting Issues to improve SPEED and PERFORMANCE.

This site was helped by me to move on HawkHost PRIMARY Plan. It’s also running smoothly and not facing any big issue due to Hosting because the Customer Support of HawkHost is Best in my Point of View and Online Experience of last 10+ years.

This site was destroyed and even the owner was not able to login into his WordPress Admin Panel. Whole Database was replaced with new one and around 120+ posts were there those were destroyed totally. I recovered the whole site, settled up whole database back to it’s original state and optimized Look, Feel and Layout too of this site so that it could look somehow professional. ( 20,000+ Pageviews/day )

This site was facing performance issues and was getting 503, 508 like errors continuously. This site was being hosted with 2 other addon domains and I required to maintain both of them too to resolve the issues. After optimizing it’s running fine on same Shared Hosting Plan with a Good Speed. ( 40,000+ Pageviews/day )

This site was facing performance issues and was getting 503, 508 like errors continuously. The owner was not even able to Login and do anything into WordPress Admin Panel. This site was being hosted with 1 other Addon Domain and one Sub-Domain and I required to maintain both of them to resolve the issues. After optimizing, it’s running fine on same Shared Hosting Plan with a Good Speed and most of it’s pages are loading under 1 second as per the and

Setup whole site from scratch on Genesis Framework on HawkHost PRIMARY Plan.

Migrated the WHOLE SITE from OLD and very COSTLY HostGator Hosting to HawkHost the CHEAPEST but BEST PRIMARY Plan. Plus I optimized the site for BEST Possible Performance with Applying Best Possible Plugin Configurations, Cache Setup and Cloud Setup for Fast Speed and Best Possible Security without Paying anything Extra.

This site was facing performance issues and was getting 503, 508 like errors continuously. So, I optimized the Site for Better Performance and Increasing Loading Speed.

This site was hosted on HostGator. But when the site started to get Good Traffic, the hosting plan was not able to Handle the Traffic Properly due to Low Resource Limits provided by the Shared Hosting Plan. Since the site owner just renewed his HostGator Plan, he was not able to move on my recommended HawkHost the CHEAPEST but BEST PRIMARY Plan and I too didn’t wanted him to move hosting because it would COST HIM a BIG AMOUNT OF MONEY. So, I decided to optimize his site on his Current HostGator Plan.

The main issue his site was facing due to Good Traffic. Google started to give his site good traffic but HostGator’s Shared Hosting Plan allows very Limited Resources (Less CPU Cycles and RAM due to a lot of SITES hosted on Same Server and very limited amount of Concurrent Connections) that’s why his site started to get 503 and 508 Errors and due to these errors, his Traffic and AdSense Earning both started to decline.

So, I not only optimized his site for better performance with Applying Best Possible Plugin/Theme, Cache and Cloud Configurations for Fast Speed but also Best Possible Security Configuration without affecting the Performance of the site.

Plus, I also made his site Look Good and Clean than before with Changing Font Size/Color, etc… and Reducing ADS with placing them on Most Effective Positions with appropriate Size as per my experience.

There are so many more sites that have been helped by me so many times. Even I don’t memorize name in most of them but they all memorize me for my work although due to lack of time, I am not able to update them daily on this page… 🙂

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